Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hexographer meets Blackmarsh

I don't really have anything to say in my defense. Except maybe that I needed to waste excess brain cycles that I would otherwise have spent on harder exam questions for my students. So it's all for their benefit... :-)

Anyways, Rob Conley's Blackmarsh is very cool, and now I have it in funky Hexographer colors. Of course the conversion to "strict hexes" made things a little inaccurate, but maybe I'll find the time to refine a few sections in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! I was look for a version of the Blackmarsh map where I could change a couple of the location names as well as something that could be used as a player map. I'm working on tailoring the original for my purposes and this will help a lot!
